Friday 25 November 2011

Match Types Explained

There are three different match types for your Keywords. You should use a combination of all of these Match types, when setting up your group Keywords/phrases for your lead generation campaign. These types can be found on the left hand side of the Keyword tool page

1) Broad Match
2) Phrase Match
3) Exact Match

Broad Match

If someone types in a phrase which contains your keywords, keeping with the examples used, “I need to find restaurants in and around London” your ad will show up. This is because a Broad match keyword means that as long as the person has included your keywords in their phrase (in any order) then your ad will show.

Phrase match

With phrase match Keywords, any words included at the beginning or end of your keywords such as “I need to find restaurants in London” or “Looking for good restaurants in London area”. As long as the extra words are before or after you keywords your ad will show. This will be more relevant to the person searching for “restaurants in London” Your phrase match keywords are shown with [] brackets at each end of the keyword.

Exact Match

The exact match will only show if the keywords typed in are matched exactly with your keywords in your ad. For example “restaurants in London” This again is even more relevant than the phrase match keywords. Phrase match keywords are shown with “” (apostrophes) at each end of the keyword.

You will get better results using all three match types. You can learn more by visiting our website

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